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Gait asymmetry in spatiotemporal and kinetic variables does not increase running-related injury risk in lower limbs

Think gait asymmetry causes running injuries? Think again! New research debunks this myth, showing asymmetry might not increase injury risk and could even be protective. Explore what truly drives asymmetry and why it’s time to rethink injury prevention for runners. Embrace your unique running style with confidence!

Gait asymmetry in spatiotemporal and kinetic variables does not increase running-related injury risk in lower limbs

Debunking the Myth: Gait Asymmetry and Running-related Injuries

Understanding Gait Asymmetry

If you're an avid runner, you've probably heard the term "gait asymmetry" thrown around. It's a concept that has been widely discussed within the running community, often linked with a higher risk of injury. But does gait asymmetry truly increase your risk for running-related injuries? A recent study titled "Gait asymmetry in spatiotemporal and kinetic variables does not increase running-related injury risk in lower limbs" begs to differ.

The Research

This comprehensive research involved over 800 recreational runners, monitored over six months while running on an instrumented treadmill at their preferred speed. It wasn't just a cursory examination; the researchers delved deep into the ground reaction forces exerted by each runner, deriving spatiotemporal and kinetic variables for each lower limb. They even computed a Symmetry Index, a measure of asymmetry, for each variable.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom

The study focused on a long-standing belief in the field: that a higher level of interlimb asymmetry might predispose runners to a higher risk of injury. But the findings were surprising, challenging this conventional wisdom. The analysis found that gait asymmetry in these variables does not, in fact, increase the risk of running-related injuries in the lower limbs. Instead, runners with greater asymmetry in flight time and peak breaking force had a lower injury risk, a compelling counterpoint to the widely held belief about the correlation between asymmetry and injury risk.

Determinants of Asymmetry

In their quest to understand gait asymmetry, the researchers made another interesting discovery. They found that leg length discrepancy and fat mass were the most common determinants of asymmetry. However, these determinants only marginally explained the variability in asymmetry, indicating that these factors are not the main drivers of asymmetry.

Implications and Insights

The study thus provides invaluable insights into the relationship between gait asymmetry and running-related injuries. It suggests that the focus on identifying gait asymmetry in the lower limbs of healthy recreational runners for injury prevention may not be scientifically substantiated. Given the broad variation in asymmetry levels across the variables investigated, it also highlights how challenging it is to determine 'acceptable' or 'normal' asymmetry levels.

The Complexity of Gait Analysis

This study underscores the complexity of gait analysis and the need for more nuanced approaches in injury prevention. It's a reminder that, as runners, we should be mindful of our body's unique characteristics. And it's a call to the broader community to continue research in this area, to better understand the determinants of gait asymmetry and their relationship with injury risk.

Final Thoughts

So, next time you go for a run, remember: asymmetry isn't necessarily a bad thing. It could even be protective. Happy running!

Focus on what really matters when it comes down to injury prevention


  1. Laurent Malisoux, Paul Gette, Nicolas Delattre, Axel Urhausen, Daniel Theisen. Gait asymmetry in spatiotemporal and kinetic variables does not increase running-related injury risk in lower limbs: a secondary analysis of a randomised trial including 800+ recreational runners. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 2024;10. doi.org/10.1136/bmjsem-2023-001787

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