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Framework for etiology of running-related injuries

Explore the multifaceted nature of running-related injuries through a comprehensive framework. Learn how understanding factors like structural capacity, cumulative load, and risk dynamics can enhance injury prevention and pave the way for injury-free running.

Framework for etiology of running-related injuries

The Multifaceted Nature of Running-Related Injuries: A Closer Look

If you're a runner, you might know all too well the frustration of a running-related injury. The causes of these injuries, or their etiology, are complex and depend on numerous factors, making them a challenge to prevent and treat. However, by understanding the causes better, we can improve the effectiveness of prevention measures. Today, we're diving into a comprehensive framework that has been developed to help us understand these injuries better. What’s below is based on this paper by Bertelsen and colleagues.

The Framework

The framework we're discussing today is divided into four key parts. Each part reflects a different aspect of what might be happening when we run.

  1. Structure-specific capacity at the start of running: This is the initial condition of our body's structures (like muscles and joints) at the beginning of a run.
  2. Cumulative load per running session: This refers to the total stress and strain our body's structures endure during a single run.
  3. Reduction in structure-specific capacity during running: Sometimes, our body's capacity can decrease during a run, which can put us at risk of injury.
  4. Exceeding the structure-specific capacity: This happens when the stress on a particular body structure surpasses its capacity to handle it, leading to potential injury.

Why It Matters

This framework is more than just an interesting theory—it's a tool. It's designed to guide future research aimed at preventing running-related injuries. It helps experts formulate the right questions and hypotheses and keeps track of factors related to both running and non-running activities.

But wait, there's more. Using this framework, scientists can also explore how changes in certain factors impact the risk of running-related injuries. This could mean: looking at how different elements affect the load on the body and its capacity to handle that load. It can also involve studying the relationship between how much we run and the risk of getting injured.

The Big Picture

Ultimately, this framework helps to go beyond just identifying risk factors for running-related injuries. It enables them to produce findings that are not just reliable in terms of cause-and-effect relationships, but also practically useful. It's about making a real-world difference in preventing running-related injuries.

The world of running-related injuries is complex, but with the right tools and approaches, we can understand it better. And better understanding means better prevention. So, whether you're a seasoned marathoner or a casual jogger, this kind of work is paving the way for safer, healthier running. And that’s exactly what we’re trying to do at OnTracx. Translating these findings into our ‘load-based technology’.

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  1. Bertelsen ML, Hulme A, Petersen J, Brund RK, Sørensen H, Finch CF, Parner ET, Nielsen RO. A framework for the etiology of running-related injuries. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017;27(11):1170-1180. doi: 10.1111/sms.12883

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